Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pictures, pictures, pictures

At any time in my classroom I have a bulletin board dedicated to photos.  I think it adds a nice family touch to the room and the children enjoy looking at them.  At the beginning of the year I have pictures of myself and things to do with my life hanging up.  This gives the students a look into what I’m like and the things I enjoy.  After that I start asking the students to bring in photos of themselves, their families, pets, etc.  During Open House we had our baby pictures (mine included) hanging.  It was a BIG hit with the parents.  They loved trying to figure out who was who.  The students LOVED seeing me as an infant.  I’ve also done pictures of the students receiving a sacrament (again, Catholic school) and I include some of my own.  Whenever I ask them to bring a certain picture in, I make sure I have one of myself as well.  Now that I have a daughter, I have her pictures too.  The kids love to see me growing up and they are crazy for my daughter.  It’s really nice for me to see pictures of the kids’ families and see what types of things they enjoy to do together.  Try it for yourself and make sure you change it up at least once a month.

Photo boards I’ve done in the past:
A photo of the students as babies
A photo of the students with their families
A photo of the students receiving a sacrament
A photo of the students celebrating their favorite holiday
A photo of the students playing a sport or participating on a team or playing an instrument
A photo of someone they love
A photo of their pet or a pet they know (if they don’t have one)
A photo of the student or family celebrating their culture
A photo of their favorite vacation
A photo of the student in a different state or country
A photo of their parents getting married
A photo of their first something (first tooth, first time sitting up, first time eating, etc)
A photo of the student in his/her favorite color
A photo of the student in the snow
A photo of the student in their favorite Halloween costume
A photo of the student with their siblings
A photo of the student on their first day of kindergarten (when you are in 3rd grade it’s cute to see how little you once looked)
A photo of the student with their best buddy

These are just some ideas, but hopefully you can come up with a few of your own.  If you do, please post them here!

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